THEA 30: Acting I fills up quickly! Didn't get in this term? Register for THEA 1: Introduction to Theater. Took Playwriting I in the Fall? Take Playwriting II this Spring!

Fun courses being offered this Spring!

THEA 1: Introduction to Theater taught by Professor Analola Santana - Watch plays and talk about them!

THEA 10.56: Black Theatre Workshop: The August Wilson Experience - Read Wilson's plays and related commentary with opportunities to perform selected scenes from the Wilson cycle while exploring possibilities for design and technical elements. 

THEA 10.68: Staging Rebellion; Dissidence in Latinx American Theatre - Theatre of the Oppressed, guerilla theatre in all its forms used throughout Latin America and Latinx communities, playwrights writing about social justice issues, and activist performance.

THEA 29: Dance Theater Performance - Dance class on Saturdays at 2:00-4:00pm and Sundays 12:00-2:00pm

THEA 51: Playwriting II - Took Playwriting I? Take Playwriting II!