Courses Requiring Instructor Permission

Some courses in the Department of Theater require instructor permission or an interview with the instructor to register for the course. 

Spring 2025

Due to the need for prerequisite completion, the following courses will require Instructor Permission (IP) to enroll. Admission for these courses may be obtained by emailing the professor to discuss the course and requesting permission to enroll.

Courses Requiring Instructor Interviews

Because of high demand and many other reasons, admission to certain theater performance courses is determined through a process of very informal instructor interviews. It is not possible to pre-register for these courses. Registration is possible only after a student has secured Instructor Permission to enroll, which is given after the interview process is complete. 

If you are interested in taking a theater course that conducts instructor interviews, we recommend that you also register for a different, additional course that you would like to take in case you are not able to secure permission for the theater course you want. If you secure a spot in the course for which you have interviewed, you can then drop the additional course.


Interview process for THEA 35: Acting for Musical Theater in Spring 2025

1. Sign up here for an interview slot on Monday, 3/31 from 3:30-6:30pm (each slot is 7 mins).

2. Prepare a verse and chorus of a song you love sing (it should be a song that matters to you). You can sing acapella or with a track (there will be a speaker provided to connect your phone to).

3. Arrive on time and ready to sing!

4. You will get an email from Carol Dunne after 6:30pm to let you know if you got into the class and an IP override will be provided so you can register.

If you have any questions about this process, please email Carol Dunne or Catherine Jacobs.