Backstage: The Scene Shop

Students are everywhere on Dartmouth productions: hanging and focusing lights; constructing major set pieces; learning about scenic painting; building hand props; and of course, running the shows. Technical theater is hands-on, creative, and never boring.

Backstage Opportunities

The Scene Shop & Run Crew

Come backstage with the Theater Department! The technical staff recruits students to work in the Scene Shop at the beginning of each term, though you can get onto the Shop e-mail list at any time. Students working in the Scene Shop will learn alongside experienced theater professionals, participating in the creative process and getting a whole new perspective on theatrical production.


Opportunities also abound to go backstage each term by becoming part of each production's run crew. Jobs include running the light or sound boards, working as a dresser, operating a follow-spot, working as an ASM, and much more. Email our Production Manager Joe Cooley to join an interest list for backstage opportunities- no prior experience is necessary!

For those looking for academic opportunities, the department offers THEA 40: Technical Production every term. A required class for majors and minors, THEA 40 is a comprehenzive overview of technical theater that introduces students to all aspects of theatrical production, including sets, lighting, sound, and costumes.