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Instructor permission is required to register for all acting courses at Dartmouth, which means it is not possible to pre-register for these classes. Acting professors typically conduct brief interviews during the first three days of classes each term in order to determine enrollment.
Spring 2017 acting courses conducting IP interviews will be:
THEA 10.04: Acting for Musical Theater (Professor Carol Dunne) @ 10A
THEA 30: Acting I (Professor Peter Hackett) @ 10A
THEA 31.01: Acting II (Professor Chris Kohn) @ 2A
THEA 36: Speaking Voice for the Stage (Professor James Rice) @ 12
Sign up sheets for interviews will be posted on the Academic Bulletin Board in Shakespeare Alley of the HOP, on Monday March 27 at 9:00 am. Please note that time slots fill up very quickly, so plan to sign up as early as possible on the 27th. Be sure to sign up for the correct class AND SECTION of your choice.
Interviews are very informal and usually run from 5-7 minutes. Please arrive ten minutes before your appointment in order to complete a pre-interview questionnaire. We recommend that you pre-register for an alternate course to take should you not get into an acting course this term. You can then drop that additional course if you receive instructor permission to take an acting course.
Each professor will then determine students for enrollment, and the Theater Department will notify each student of their status. The Department will also give the names of accepted students to the Registrar's Office; those students will then receive an automatic email from the Registrar's Office alerting them that they may now register for the course.
Please note that these are very popular classes. Students who are unable to enroll this spring are strongly encouraged to interview again; acting courses are offered throughout the academic year.
Best of luck!