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Little Student Production Slot applications are now available for Fall Term performance! Proposals are due October 18 by 5pm.
Do you want to put on a show with your friends? Have you written an original work and want a reading?
Little Student Production Slots (or Little SPS) provide a venue for performance, whether an extant script, development of new work, and/or for the exploration of work that is unconventional or experimental in nature. Little SPS projects focus on text and process rather than on production or technical elements. Site-specific work can be proposed as part of a Little SPS presentation, and experimental design-based work will be considered (with faculty approval) on a case-by-case basis.
Auditions: Monday, November 4th
Rehearsals: Monday-Thursday, November 11-14th
Performances: Friday and Saturday, November 15 & 16 at 7:30pm