Op-Ed, May 31: Dr. Monica White Ndounou in the Burton Wire

"Silence of White Theaters on Anti-Black Violence is Deafening"
by Dr. Monica White Ndounou
Op-ed, the Burton Wire
May 31, 2020

"Exposing anti-Black violence and racism can mobilize Black people and supporters for justice, as in the case of Mamie Till's open-casket funeral for her brutally lynched, fourteen-year-old son Emmitt Till. Black theaters recognize that such demonstrations do not guarantee white people will recognize the humanity of Black people and that staging Black death or trauma to engage white audiences in difficult conversations is a low bar. Unfortunately, Black theaters are not represented in the 2 percent of all cultural institutions receiving nearly 60 percent of funding, although they help reconcile cultural trauma and ongoing effects of slavery through stories of pain and joy."

Read Associate Professor of Theater Dr. Monica White Ndounou's powerful op-ed, recently published in the Burton Wire. Find the full article HERE.